David Tennant, Catherine Tate, William Shakespeare, and Doctor Who references? Yes, please. Besides the fact that David Tennant as my English teacher would be a DREAM COME TRUE, this skit (also from 2007) is absolutely hilarious! David Tennant and Catherine Tate worked so well together on Doctor Who, and their screen chemistry is glaringly apparent in this laugh-out-loud special.
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1 month ago
I think this is one of my all time favorite comic relief sketches. I've watched it a dozen times and I still can't make out some of Catherine Tate's really fast lines!
This one's absolutely brilliant. Makes me laugh every time! :D
@Lori - Oh, I know - it's an absolute classic! I think I owe you a debt of thanks for introducing me to it, as a matter of fact. :)
@Traxy - LOL! I know...Tennant and Tate are such a perfect comedic pair!
I know I'm late...but I've become a new Doctor Who convert and I DIED seeing this...
@Alexandra - Never to late for Doctor Who! Welcome to the club! :)
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