This week is just chock-full of movie and music related goodness (if you share my tastes, LOL!). Here's a look at what I'm looking forward to this week:
Josh Groban's new album Illuminations released today. I'm planning on picking up a copy tomorrow. Josh and I nearly broke up over his album Awake (very hit-or-miss with me) and were saved through Noel, I'm very anxious to hear his latest project.
Tomorrow sees the release of Keith Urban's new album, Get Closer. If you're a KU addict like I am, you'll want to pick up the deluxe edition exclusive to Target - it includes 3 new and 4 live bonus tracks. Honestly, if Keith Urban's new CD was the only thing happening this week I'd be a happy camper. Keith Urban album days are happy days. :)
Wednesday sees the long-awaited premiere of Human Target's second season. Here's a preview. I can't wait! SO happy that this show got a second season.
And Friday...well what can I say about Friday? Except that it's sure to be fabulous and emotionally devastating all at once. Harry Potter, I can't wait.
Be Our Valentine giveaway!
2 weeks ago
I like Keith Urban, but I'm not a big enough fan to get the CD. :) I usually just end up buying my favorite songs off iTunes.
I am so unbelievably excited about Friday!! As I reread the book, I've been practicing to not cry in the theater. :) And don't forget, the HP soundtrack comes out tomorrow. I probably won't get it, but I do love movie soundtracks. :)
Aww, I liked Awake. Not all the songs, but most of them. And the title song, Awake, is one of my favorite Josh songs ever. But having listened to Illuminations twice now on his FB page, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I think what you didn't like about Awake (and it's been so long since we talked about it I might be a little fuzzy on exactly what that was but still...) is not in Illuminations. It has a very different tone to it, and I like it. I've been trying so hard to describe what it is that I like so much, aside from his marvelous voice. I'm going to try again by saying that it feels old-fashioned, in the very best sense of that word. It has a simpler, purer sound than Awake, and there's a hint of Irish/Celtic/Folk Ballad in some of the songs, which is always a winner with me. Maybe nostalgic is a more fitting word than old-fashioned? I'll be waiting to hear your thoughts about it.
@Kristin - Oh goodness, Keith Urban is a must-purchase on release day artist for me. :) I've seen him in concert 3 times now - probably my overall favorite (currently living, haha) artist.
I have pretty much resigned myself to bawling in the theater on Friday. My only issue is do I want to deal with the looks I'll get if I take an entire box of tissues into the theater? (Just kidding!) Oh, and I didn't forget about the HP soundtrack - I have them all so I'll definitely be adding that one to my collection.
@Lori - I said Awake "almost" broke up me & Josh. LOL! I'm anxious to give the album a listen, and I'll definitely be letting you know my thoughts! If there's a regular Irish/Celtic sound I'm sure I'll love that. :)
Ooo I love Keith and Josh is WAY cool :)
Wow, you are really handy to have around... I love Josh Groban's music, and had no idea he had a new album coming out!
AND I have been waiting and waiting for Human Target to come out, but didn't know when it was. THANKS! :)
Ruth, there's only a hint of that Celtic sound on a few songs. But since I've wanted him to do something Celtic for years I'm thrilled with even a hint.
@Juju - I know, such a good week for music!
@Polka Dot - LOL, glad to help! I'm so happy Human Target's back, I was worried about the show when the bumped the premiere of season's hoping the show gets good ratings! And that season 2 is even better than season 1! :)
@Lori - Oh, I'll take a hint of Celtic. :)
Harry Potter! I can't believe it's so close yet so far away.
@heidenkind - Tell me about it.
Just a few minutes ago, I finished reading the part of "Deathly Hallows" where I think Part 1 is going to end. I was in tears from the book, and I was thinking, how in the world am I going to hold back in the theater? Ron freaking out when Hermione's being tortured by Bellatrix, Dobby...I'm going to be a mess. :)
Maybe if we dress in costume for the movie, we can hide our tissue boxes under our robes. :)
By the way, I'm so glad your giveaway prize arrived safely! :) And yes, Jimmy Stewart is adorable in "The Shop Around the Corner." I just love him! :) I really want to see "You've Got Mail," just to see the similarities/differences.
I just said to the hubs the other day, "I wonder when Josh Groban will come out with something new?" since I've felt deprived lately. Great news! Thanks for the tip... I love JG and own all of his CDs, although like you, "Awake" was my least fave.
I am dying to see HP... but may wait a week or two longer until I feel more comfortable leaving the newborn with someone else for a few hours. (I want to enjoy every minute, not suffer from separation anxiety.)
@Kristin - Well you won't be alone in falling apart in the theater - just think of me, I'll be sobbing my eyes out! :) I've never been the type to want to dress in costume to go to the movies, but you bring up a great point in favor of the idea...
Oh, hope you get to see You've Got Mail soon - it's fun to see how the three films compare to each other. And it's amazing that I like all three of them pretty equally - they each managed to bring something new to the table using basically the same material which is pretty cool, and speaks highly of each film's creative team.
@Nat - You are very welcome! Anxious to hear your thoughts...and glad to know I'm not alone in my ambivalence to Awake. :) Good to hear from you too what with the recent arrival and all! I can totally see your dilemma...take your time, you want to be able to enjoy HP (or if you're like me, "enjoy" crying your eyes out during the film!). :)
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