Well, I was really looking forward to watching the first part of the new Julian Fellowes' Titanic miniseries this evening, and then my mom calls to clue me in to the sad reality that in my market the miniseries has been pre-empted by a fundraiser telecast. GRRR. The likelihood of me staying up until 1:00am to watch this and make it to church tomorrow is very, very slim, so I'll just wait for my pre-ordered DVD to arrive.
So for anyone who doesn't have the broadcast pre-empted by a fundraiser, please letme know how you enjoy it!
Be Our Valentine giveaway!
2 weeks ago
Aw! That is no fun, Ruth. =/ Unless I suddenly change my mind, I'll be watching it (not sure about P1 being 3 hours though!). So (hopefully!), I'll get a review up next week. =)
I didn't realize ABC pre-emtps things! That sounds more like a PBS move to me. When did they reschedule it for? Can you catch it then?
I think it may even be up on YouTube already, but I hear the Canadian version was shortened, so I'm going to be watching live tonight.
@Rissi - I look forward to your thoughts! :)
@Charity - Well it's the local ABC station that is doing the pre-empting...it's for a Ronald McDonald house fundraiser. They rescheduled it for 10-1am tonight...yeah not gonna happen. I'll just watch the DVDs...at least there will be no commercials!
Right there with you, Ruth - I wouldn't want to stay up up until 1 just to watch Titanic... way too... "heavy" for all that. Generally, Saturday night is my "late night," but I pay for it because it isn't easy getting up and around for church the next morning. ;D
Love the dvd's for jut that reason: NO COMMERCIALS! YAY!
I plan on watching! I saw a few clips and it looks pretty interesting so hopefully it's worth watching. :-)
XOXO~ Renee C.
I'm really wanting to watch it....only I discovered my DVR is crammed up and I run into programming problems EVERYWHERE!!! =( So alas, I must settle for the DVD
I really would like to watch this one too, but since whatever problems Ella is having also affect me, I guess I'll be waiting as well.
I hear it is awesome!!!
Ella / Patti: delete stuff off your DVR. Trust me, you won't miss it. =P
I wouldn't stay up late for it either -- fortunately, in my time zone, it'll be over by 10pm. Although if it rains a ton tonight, I won't be going to church anyway. =P
(I hope it doesn't rain. I want to wear my purple dress and Heart of the Ocean necklace... because I can.)
I'm hoping it's going to be available online, because that's the only way I'll be able to watch. I don't think I can bring myself to buy the DVD without seeing it first. :)
Weird! I'm watching it right now and you're not missing much, honestly. :P I swear they ran into an iceberg like 3 times (?).
Anyone who missed it ISN'T missing much... that's the sad truth. It is rampant with historical and social class inaccuracies. (Mixed Sunday morning services? Um, no.) The boat feels claustrophobic. There is not enough time to care about very many of the characters before the boat hits the iceberg... and we start over again. I think if told in proper linear fashion, with a much better score, this could have been good. As it stands now, it's a lamentable mess.
I missed this post when you first put it up! I'm watching Titanic on Hulu.com. So far I've seen the first two episodes. As I mentioned elsewhere :) Toby Jones's character has won my heart. I'll keep watching to see what happens to him, and hopefully connect with more characters along the way. There are a few I'm intrigued with and hope to find out more about.
Okay, I've watched all the episodes now. I have mixed feelings about it, but I think it's worth watching. If for no other reason (for me) for the new-to-me faces in the cast. A few actors I'd never seen before but really liked. Also, it was good to see Steven Waddington again. I hadn't seen him in anything since Last of the Mohicans (he played Major Heyward). He's aged well. :) Also, Toby Jones's character I absolutely adored. What a wonderful actor, that man. He made me want to cast him in one of my novels.
I wish this miniseries had been told in a linear way, instead of restarting every episode. I think it would have been easier to connect with all the characters, instead of just a couple of them.
Still I'm glad I watched it. It had it's well done moments.
Hey everyone, sorry I never got around to responding to the new(er) comments! I still haven't seen this program in its entirety so all I can really say at this point is that I'm watching it as soon as my preordered DVD arrives. :)
Share your thoughts when you do, Ruth, if you get time. Would love to know what you thought of it. I've thought about the characters quite a bit since watching, wishing I could have spent more time with them, see where they ended up months, years later.
@Lori - Will do, Lori! I'm glad that the series provoked some good thoughts. :) I think my preorder is due to arrive today or tomorrow -- will have to make time for it this week!
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