Hello, bloggers! As you might guess from the title of this post, this is making official what's been the state of the blog for the better part of a year (at least). I'm calling an official hiatus on book reviewing and regular blogging through the end of the year. Quite simply I don't currently have the time, and instead of being something I enjoy, the idea of reviewing in the long format I'm used to and love is right now more of a burden and stress, and who needs that, am I right? Also, I need to rediscover reading -- and processing my reaction to the written word -- afresh without the (self-imposed, I know...but the struggle of those self-imposed deadlines is real!) pressure of producing regular blog content.
I may still pop in from time to time, but any pretense of expecting to catch up or once again adopt a regular blogging schedule needs to be off the table for me mentally, for the time being at any rate.
I plan on still remaining active on Twitter and GoodReads, so if we haven't connected on those platforms please come find me! :) After all, just because I'm not blogging regularly doesn't mean I still won't want to talk about books or British television!! :)
Be Our Valentine giveaway!
2 weeks ago
You'll be missed on Booktalk and More, Ruth. But I totally understand what you're saying. Hope to see you again over here, and in the meantime, looking forward to chatting with you on Twitter or Goodreads. :)
Absolutely can relate to what you're going through, girl! I haven't been posting as much as I should and it's been wearing on me a bit. I still love blogging, but we all need a break some days! I'll definitely be keeping up with you online because, duh, you always have the best info about British TV and movies.
@Rissi - Thanks, girl!! Appreciate it!! :)
@Renee - Thank you too!! Glad to have fellow blogging friends who "get it." :) And so glad we are already actively connected on Twitter & FB & stuff. :)
Bummer, but I get it!!! I'll go find you on your other channels...you make such good rec's :)
@Shonna - Thank you!! That means a lot. :) And I'm glad we connected on GR & Twitter!!
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