Kate Evans is an adventurous and independent young woman with a pioneering spirit. When she leaves her home in Washington State to follow her dream of being an Alaskan bush pilot, she knows it will be an uphill battle. But she never expected it to be quite like this. As the lone woman in a man's world, she finds that contending with people's expectations is almost as treacherous as navigating the wild arctic storms.
When she crosses paths with a mysterious man living alone in the forbidding wilderness, she faces a new challenge. Can Kate break through the walls he has put up around his hear? And will fear keep her from realizing her dreams?
So, once again I am a bit behind on my reading (SHOCKING, I know *g*), but I wanted to be sure and get a post up about Touching the Clouds since it's making the rounds of many blogs this week. This book represents two "firsts" for me: I've never read a Bonnie Leon novel, and I've never come across a story with this unique setting and time period. There are plenty of novels out there set in Alaska during the 1800s, but this is the first I've encountered set during the 1930s - and I love a good Depression-era novel. The time period, the challenges that faced people, it all makes for fascinating reading. Couple that with a unique profession like Kate's, and I'm quite happy. :) This is an excellent read so far, and I look forward to bringing my full review to the blog soon!
Be Our Valentine giveaway!
2 weeks ago
I love the cover. So cute. So glad you're enjoying it.
Have I mentioned that I love your background? I really do. Love Butterflies and scrollies. *grin*
Love this book!
- Margaret
Ruth, thanks so much for including this book on your blog. I'll be watching for your review. So glad to hear you're enjoying the book so far. :-)
Grace and peace to you,
Bonnie Leon
The cover looks alluring, but the plot just didn't interest me. I'm getting more and more disenchanted with Christian fiction.
@Juju - Thanks! This cover is definitely one of my favs for the year!
@CherryBlossomMJ - Thanks so much for stopping by, Margaret, and glad you like my blog background! :)
@Bonnie Leon - Really enjoying this book, I can't wait to see where you take the series next! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
@tagskie - Thanks for stopping by.
@Elizabeth Bennett - I'm just curious, what's been disappointing? I hope you don't give up on Christian fiction completely, there's so much good stuff out there! :)
This looks really good! We did a Heartsong yeeeeears ago in Canada about a female pilot. I enjoyed it but this looks much better!
@ Ruth- Well to me none of them really leave a mark on me anymore. The last good NEW book I read was Jack Cavanaugh's "Dear Enemy" (2005) everything else I've read since then, to me, isn't good. I do like Jack Cavanaugh as an author and especially Lynn Austin, but even one of my favorites Melody Carlson is just writing the same stuff again and again. It's just a little disappointing.
@Terra - Hope you get to read this one! :)
@Elizabeth Bennett - Have you read anything by Ginger Garrett, Siri Mitchell, Susan May Warren, or Brock & Bodie Thoene? Especially the Thoenes, I know you love WWII history.
@Ruth- I have one of Ginger Garret's books on my list, Siri Mitchell I don't really know about anything she's written. If it's romance I'll pass. Susan May Warren, thought her latest book was silly. And the Thoene's I've heard they were boring. And some of their work doesn't particularly interest me.
@Elizabeth Bennett - So, are you more into historicals? The Thoenes write some of the richest, "meatiest," historicals out there IMO. Hope you can find some stuff you'll enjoy!
@Ruth- Yeah, I do love historical fiction. I'm bad with acronyms, what is IMO? It's probably plain as day, but I can't figure out what it is. I'll try their work and give it a chance, seems like they write about Nazi Germany some and I like to read about that a lot.
@Elizabeth Bennett - IMO = in my opinion...sorry 'bout that. ;) I'm not all that great with acronyms myself but I seem to have a bad habit of throwing that one around a lot.
The Thoenes do a supberb job of incorporating research into their writing and bringing history alive. I'd recommend starting with Vienna Prelude if you decide to check them out.
@Ruth- Ohhhhh, okay, duh!!! LOL, I know FYI, AKA, BTW, etc.. but not a lot of acronyms.
Yeah, I think that's the Zion series, right? I think they also have those at my library, so I don't have to buy them. I hate to buy books if I'm not sure if I'm going to like them.
@Elizabeth Bennett - Yep, Vienna Prelude is the 1st book in their Zion Covenant series (and if I'm not mistaking, it may be their 1st WWII book...I can't remember if they started with the Zion Covenant or the Zion Chronicles). Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if your library has both those series, they are in my opinion pretty enduring historical fiction classics! :)
@Ruth- Ahh, all right. I didn't realize they were that old until I saw one said publication of 1987, wow, it's older than I am. Hahaha!
@Elizabeth Bennet - Don't remind me, LOL!
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