Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Watson (Martin Freeman) back in their original Victorian setting? This may be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen...well, this week at any rate. ;-) I hate the wait between new Sherlock episodes, but this clip makes me realize anew how much this show makes it worth the wait.
Be Our Valentine giveaway!
3 weeks ago
This makes me SO excited!!! :)
Amazing. 'Nuff said.
...I love that you said this show is worth the wait. It most definitely is. Sure between seasons, it's tough to wait it out, but I remember watching last year and being so impressed with the three episodes. This series takes quality over quantity seriously. Kudos to them. :)
Mini-Sherlock is in it!!! And Mrs. Hudson's new catch phrase. Oh my!
OH! that is fantastic! I posted pictures from the episode on my book to movie (and TV) blog but I totally missed this clip! YES! I'm with you, this is a very exciting look. Just adore how Sherlock says he's hardly in the dog one!
Here's my Sherlock link —but I'll be adding the clip now, thanks to you!!!—
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