
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Inspector Lewis continues with "The Mind Has Mountains"

Just a quick reminder, tomorrow Inspector Lewis continues with the third episode of the fourth series on Masterpiece Mystery, entitled The Mind Has Mountains. Here's a brief teaser about the episode:
When a student is found dead during a clinical drug trial, the motives of an enigmatic professor are questioned. Douglas Henshall (South Riding, Collision) co-stars.
Obviously, aside from what's sure to be more Hathaway goodness, is that this episode features Douglas Henshall. Douglas Henshall. DOUGLAS HENSHALL!!!!!!!!!!!

Goodness, I wish that man had never left Primeval. See you on the other side with my review!


  1. Cutter *and* Hathaway in the same frame? Be still my heart. :)

  2. @heidenkind - I KNOW! How on earth are we gonna handle it??? :P

  3. well, your enthusiam about DOUGLAS HENSHALL!!!!! was very well founded.

  4. @Dhiraj - ;) Yep, my guy didn't let me down!


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