You know that saying, about the best-laid plans of mice and men oft going awry? Well, it feels like that's pretty much been my life this week. *wink*
No internet since Sunday, busyness at work, and allergy-related health issues make for a very unproductive few days for yours truly.
But now that the internet is finally back (YAY!), and I'm getting used to the oppressive heat and summertime allergies (at least that's my theory), I am discovering the motivation to get things done. :)
I've been scheduled for two blog tours this week, and I'm going to try desperately to make those commitments, but if I'm a day or two late if I can just beg the indulgence of the coordinators and authors - this has been a crazy week, so thank you in advance for understanding. :)
Looking forward to catching up! :)
Be Our Valentine giveaway!
2 weeks ago
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