Yes, it's completely predictable but I didn't care. I thought Shopaholic was just what the doctor ordered after a HIGHLY stressful work week (Seriously why are short weeks so LONG? But I digress...). It's a fluffy, funny, surprisingly clean little rom-com that shockingly enough had some moments of real depth - particularly when Rebecca starts to learn that she doesn't need to be defined by her "stuff."
Isla Fisher plays Rebecca and I thought she was just terrific. She's got a lot of potential ahead of her in these type of roles. The #1 reason I wanted to see this movie, though, was Hugh Dancy as Rebecca's boss, Luke Brandon. I've had a crush on him since he played David Copperfield (Speaking of, WHY OH WHY isn't his version of David Copperfield on DVD? It's my favorite!!). He & Isla have great screen chemistry, and he's just so stinking adorable, well I'd watch him read the alphabet so maybe I'm biased... ;-) I also really enjoyed Joan Cusack and John Goodman's appearance as Rebecca's parents. Kristin Scott Thomas also had a small role and she looked so scary I didn't even recognize her (HA!) until I looked her up on the IMDB.

I think my biggest problem with this movie was that I just couldn't get past how freaking awful and caveman-like Harry Connick Jr. looked every time he was on-screen. Also, I HATE AND LOATHE TAPIOCA with every fiber of my being. And since it plays kind of a large role in the movie...well that's just stomach-turning in my world. LOL!
I thought New in Town was cute, and entertaining, but nothing to write home about. Growing up in the Northern US, I loved how they depicted all the Minnesotans, being that my family is from there... Yet, it was predictable and silly, and yes Harry Connick Jr. wasn't exactly the most appealing and very caveman-like.
I'm so glad you liked Shopaholic! It is a fun, cute movie. Haven't watched New In Town yet. Umm.. I'm not sure about the Tapioca thing. lol
See, I love tapioca. And lived in MN for 2 years so I could SO relate!
We rented shopaholic tonight! I didn't read your review yet... cause I wanted to be surprised. LOL
@Krista - Hope you enjoy Shopaholic! And thanks for stopping by. :)
The tapioca thing cracks me up! :) Reminds me of a review I saw where the girl couldn't get into the book because the character drank root beer. Apparently, even the thought of root beer made her sick. I remember reading Wrinkle in Time as a kid and being weirded out by Meg's liverwurst sandwich. I didn't know what it was (and still don't) but it didn't sound good. Throwing the word "wurst" in a food name is never a good thing :) I liked New in Town. There were several scenes that made me laugh. I also like that Blanche was a Christian without being a moron. I haven't tried Shopoholic. I like Isla Fisher ... so I might have to try it ...
@Natalie - Funny you should mention root beer, because seriously that makes me nauseous too. I kid you not, I am not making this up. Root beer and tapioca...I don't know if my stomach can handle the comment thread in this post. ;)
New In Town did have some cute scenes, but overall it left me rather flat. However, Blanche's characterization was a breathe of fresh air, that was really nice to see for a change!!
I liked New in Town a lot. Mostly for its simplicity, the return to romantic comedy (miss them!), and for Blanche. And Blanche. But I have to agree--WHAT in the world was up with Harry C, Jr? Beer gut and wooly beard? Come on! He's hot, and that was a waste.
@Jenny - Good point, and I agree, Blanche was such a refreshing character! But HCJ was completely wasted and funkified in this movie. Very sad.
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